A male Adelie penguin, back from a long feeding trip, disgorges krill for its chick. Krill develop best under seasonal ice, so thinner, less extensive winter ice can reduce the size of the shrimp-like Antarctic staple. The tiny radio transmitter on this bird's back allows Dr. Fraser to monitor how far and for how long penguins hunt for food. For some colonies, hunting times are becoming longer and longer as diminished seasonal sea ice extends the distance from rookery to feeding ground.
Global warming is having a big effect on the world but the biggest impact is on the Antarctica it has 90 percent of the worlds ice and some of the ice sheets are over 1 million years old and in the 1950's Antarctica warmed by 2.5 percent while the center of Antarctica has become cooler this is really bad seeing as Antarctica has the worlds lowest temperature it is -89 degrees celsius which is 11 degrees colder than dry ice the maximum temperature is between 5 and 15 degrees celsius.
The ice caps metling does not just have an impact on the Antarctica it has an impact on the entire world.If the ice caps keep on melting that will make the sea level rise rapidly and will start to cover up most of the land and thousands maybe even millions will have to evacuate there homes and some people may even have to leave the country.
Some of the ways we can reduce global warming is that we can try to use environmentally friendly materials such as not to use plastic bags when you are shopping and we can also try and use more public transport more than your own car which will help reduce greenhouse gases.
There is a lot of endangered animals living in Antarctica and the ice caps melting will be starting to kill of all of the animals.If all the ice caps melt then the water around there will start to heat up and sharks will be able to enter the waters around there and attack all the endangered species.
The ice caps metling does not just have an impact on the Antarctica it has an impact on the entire world.If the ice caps keep on melting that will make the sea level rise rapidly and will start to cover up most of the land and thousands maybe even millions will have to evacuate there homes and some people may even have to leave the country.
Some of the ways we can reduce global warming is that we can try to use environmentally friendly materials such as not to use plastic bags when you are shopping and we can also try and use more public transport more than your own car which will help reduce greenhouse gases.
There is a lot of endangered animals living in Antarctica and the ice caps melting will be starting to kill of all of the animals.If all the ice caps melt then the water around there will start to heat up and sharks will be able to enter the waters around there and attack all the endangered species.

Larsen B ice shelf, 17th Feb 2002 Larsen B ice shelf, 5th march 2002 (16 days later)
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