Monday, December 1, 2008

My Family History

My family and i moved out to Australia when i was 10. We migrated from Perth,Scotland because my cousins moved out here earlier and they said that it was a really good place to live. so we decided to move to.
One of the big technology things that has affected me family would probably be the internet. It is really helpful for doing a lot of thins such as playing games chatting with people or researching and doing work like i am just now.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Jack the ripper = Francis Tumblety

not a lot of information has been found about Tumblety’s life, his birthplace being the first of many mysteries surrounding this main suspect. In some known books it says he was born in Canada,while in some other books it lists his birthplace as Ireland. Even the exact year of his birth is still in question. In any event, he was born to James and Margaret Tumblety sometime around 1833, the youngest of eleven children: Patrick, Lawrence, Jane and Bridget (twins), Alice, Margaret, Ann, Julia, Elizabeth, and Mary.
Around 1850 (just before the death of his father), Francis left Rochester, maybe to go to Detroit. Here he started his own practice as an Indian herb doctor, which must have happened from 1854 onward he always appeared as if of considerable wealth.
He next turns up in Montreal in 1857, where he again made himself known as a prominent physician.however, when he was asked to run in the provincial elections of 1857-8. He declined the offer in what would become typical Tumblety. But there was more Tumblety was arrested on September 23, 1857 for attempting to abort the pregnancy of a local prostitute named Philomene Dumas. It was alleged that he sold her a bottle of pills and liquid for the purpose, but after some legal haggling Tumblety was released on October 1. A verdict of ‘no true bill’ was reached on the 24th and no trial was ever undertaken

November 9th Mary Kelly killed in Miller's Court.

Sir Charles Warren resigns.

November 10: Pardon offered to "anyone other than the murderer" by the Home Office including tumblety

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sir William Wallace

William Wallace was born in a small village in Scotland called Elderslie and that was were he was brought up as a child. When William grew up he became a Scottish Knight, a landowner and a patriot who was known for leading a resistance during the wars of Scottish independence. He also became the guardian of Scotland until his defeat in the battle of Falkirk.
William Wallace came from the clan lamont. William Wallace was remembered for the way that he fought for freedom for the whole of scotland. As he though against the English in some wars like the war of Scottish independence and the battle of Falkirk. One of the major things that made him want to fight were when he was young his dad (Sir Malcolm Wallace) was killed in a battle against the english.
William Wallace was a hero to every sottish person because of the way he fought for his country and there peoples right for freedom and peace. This made a big impact on Scotland they were now a free country and anyone who lived there had a right to say there opinion.


Monday, June 9, 2008

U.K Economy

The United Kingdom has many different natural resource some of the main natural resources that they mine are. Coal,petroleum,natural gas,zinc,tin,limestone,iron ore,salt,slate,clay,chalk,gypsum,lead,silica and much more.
Mining is one of the biggest economy employers in the United Kingdom along with the worlds largest financial centres with the London stock exchange and the London international financial futures and options exchange.The government of the united kingdom makes the economic decisions so it is a market economy if it is run by the government.They are made by the government so they run the economic laws and decisions.The British manufacturing sector however has greatly diminished relative to the economy as a whole since World War II. It is still a significant part of the economy but only accounted for one sixth of national output in 2003. The British motor industry is a significant part of this sector although it has diminished with the collapse of MG Rover and most of the industry is foreign owned.
The United Kingdom uses a lot of advanced technology these days they used 2 have to use a typewriter for all the papers and horse and carts. But now they are using all the latest technology for things such as mining,construction,media and sporting.They have made a lot of famous cars such as Ford fiesta, Honda civic,Toyota corrola,Jaguar,Land rover and Rolls-Royce.
The employment rate for people of working age was 74.9 per cent for the three months to April 2008, unchanged for a quarter of the year. The number of people in employment for the three months to April 2008 was 29.55 million. This is the highest figure since comparable records began in 1971 and is up 76,000 over the quarter and up 446,000 over the year. Total hours worked has increased by 6.3 million to reach 943.7 million.
The unemployment rate was 5.3 per cent for the three months to April 2008, up 0.1 over the previous quarter but down 0.2 over the year. The number of unemployed people increased by 38,000 over the quarter but fell by 34,000 over the year, to reach 1.64 million.

Monday, May 12, 2008

western Australia economys

Western Australia Economy

Western Australia has the highest per capita output of any Australian state with an economy that has been largely based on the extraction and export of mining and petroleum commodities especially iron, alumina, natural gas, nickel and gold. Western Australia is a leading alumina producer, producing more than 20% of the world's alumina. It is also the third largest iron ore producer, producing around 15% of the world's total iron ore output. Western Australia also extracts up to 75% of Australia's 240 tonnes of gold. Diamonds are extracted at Argyle

diamond mine in the West. Coal is mined at Collie and used for domestic power production.

Mining is 1/4 of Wa's GDP producing minerals like coal,oil,iron ore,zinc and led.The services employ 2/3 of the work force.

Gold fields

gold, fishing, wheat, barley, nickle, fertilizer and mineral sands

south west

alumina,mineral sands,agriculture,timber,viticulture,tourism



Monday, April 7, 2008

global warming-antartica

A male Adelie penguin, back from a long feeding trip, disgorges krill for its chick. Krill develop best under seasonal ice, so thinner, less extensive winter ice can reduce the size of the shrimp-like Antarctic staple. The tiny radio transmitter on this bird's back allows Dr. Fraser to monitor how far and for how long penguins hunt for food. For some colonies, hunting times are becoming longer and longer as diminished seasonal sea ice extends the distance from rookery to feeding ground.

Global warming is having a big effect on the world but the biggest impact is on the Antarctica it has 90 percent of the worlds ice and some of the ice sheets are over 1 million years old and in the 1950's Antarctica warmed by 2.5 percent while the center of Antarctica has become cooler this is really bad seeing as Antarctica has the worlds lowest temperature it is -89 degrees celsius which is 11 degrees colder than dry ice the maximum temperature is between 5 and 15 degrees celsius.

The ice caps metling does not just have an impact on the Antarctica it has an impact on the entire world.If the ice caps keep on melting that will make the sea level rise rapidly and will start to cover up most of the land and thousands maybe even millions will have to evacuate there homes and some people may even have to leave the country.

Some of the ways we can reduce global warming is that we can try to use environmentally friendly materials such as not to use plastic bags when you are shopping and we can also try and use more public transport more than your own car which will help reduce greenhouse gases.

There is a lot of endangered animals living in Antarctica and the ice caps melting will be starting to kill of all of the animals.If all the ice caps melt then the water around there will start to heat up and sharks will be able to enter the waters around there and attack all the endangered species.

Larsen B ice shelf, 17th Feb 2002 Larsen B ice shelf, 5th march 2002 (16 days later)

Monday, March 3, 2008

The whale shark

The whale shark is the biggest shark in the world the biggest one recorded was found in Karachi, Pakistan it was 12.65M and it weighed over 21.5 tonnes. Its mouth can be up to 1.5 M wide and can contain 300 to 350 rows of tiny teeth. It has 5 large pairs of gills and its two small eyes are located at the front of its long flat head. The whale shark is mostly grey with a white belly its skin is marked with a ''checkerboard'' of yellow spots and stripes and its skin can be up to 10cm thick. The whale shark is found around coastal areas such as Ningaloo Reef in W.A, Utila in Honduras, Donsol and Batangas in the Philippines and Tanzanian Islands of Pemba and Zanzibar. They inhabit in the worlds tropical and warm temperate oceans and they are also rarely seen in groups. The whale shark has a filter feeder it is only one of the three sharks in the world that has it. It feeds on phytoplankton, macro-algae, plankton, krill and small nektonic life such as squid or vertebrates. The whale shark had been threatened from people like fisherman and commercial fisheries where they used to sell them and that was banned in the Philippines in 1998 and then in Taiwan in 2007. Some of the ways that we could stop the whale sharks numbers decreasing is that you could stop harpooning and big fishing companies and stop getting them for there skin and get rid of all the fishing nets. They could make sanctuary for all the whale sharks to keep them safe and so they can mate and increase the numbers again. The whale shark reproduces by the female laying the eggs on the sea floor and the male comes and fertilize them with his sperm (oviparous). The whale shark female keeps the eggs inside her body until the baby hatches.(viviparous)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Great white shark

The Great white shark is an exeptionally large landform shark and its the second biggest shark in the world.It's species is called the c.carcharias it is threatened becuase they are being caught by fishing boats and hunted by other people.
The population of the great white sharks has decreased rapidly in the last 50 years the population has decreased 60-95%.
fishermen need to take more care with there fishingand stop killing them and the shark patrol needs to look out for them